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Books & Journals
Click here for New Arrivals’ (Books) : Dec., 2019 – Jan., 2020
Click here Book and Journal Details
The Central Library is housed in a sprawling hall with sufficient seatting capacity for reading. It has a rich collection of about 39258 text books and reference books on all relevant subjects. The institute subscribes to sufficient number of periodicals and local & national dailies which are available for the benefit of the readers. Some of the facilities include Reprography, Internet, educational CDs are also available in the library.
The library is fully automated with LIBSYS & Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) facility.
The Central Library has subscribed to Springer, IE(I) and DELNET (Developing Library Network) which provides access to more than 5472 full-text E-Journals. About 4684 E-Books can also be accessed through Central Library. Provision of Book Bank facility for the B.Tech & MCA students is another major service of the library. Departmental Libraries have also been created for the benefit of the individual departments.
There is a Library Committee comprising of the Librarian and faculty representatives of all departments. The Committee acts as a channel of communication and dialogue between the Institute Library and its users. The Committee also serves as an aid in the establishment a bridge between the Library and the academic fraternity and the Institute’s Authorities.Library being ‘the heart of the institute’ the management gives highest priority for its development and resource expansion.
- Cleck here for updated arrival records of Books & Journals.
To emerge as a centre of knowledge acquisition, and to ensure a collection that is futuristic, diverse in its range and depth; and one that meets the needs of both local and global industry
To meet the teaching and learning needs of the engineering community by providing comprehensive resources and services
To revise & update the collection and ensure an appropriate balance of acquisition across the subjects, with a view to meet the needs of users.
To facilitate access to the collections and provide necessary services and facilities to meet the academic, professional and personal informational needs of the students, faculties & staff.
To help user community to become skilled, effective, responsible information users; i.e. how to find, retrieve, evaluate and use information efficiently, effectively and ethically.
Library Hours: 9.15 A.M. to 6.30 P.M.
- Users’ Hours: 9:15 A.M. to 6:15 P.M.
- Lending Section (Issue & Return) : 9.15 A.M. -5.30 P.M.
- Reference : 9:30 A.M. to 5:00 P.M.
- Reading Room : 9.15 A.M. -6.15 P.M
- Photocopying : 9:30 A.M. to 1:30 P.M. (1st Half) 2:30 P.M.to5.00 P.M.(2nd Half)
- Documents Shelving: [in every half an hour from 10:00 A.M. to 5.00P.M.]
Rules and Regulations
- Use of the library is strictly reserved for users possessing an authorized reader’s card. Library card is non transferable.
- Users are requested to leave books / documents on the tables, not to shelve back those by themselves.
- Readers are requested to maintain silence in the library for the benefit of other users. Cell phones must be kept in silent mode inside the library.
- Personal books and other belongings are not allowed inside the library. Document(s) once issued should not be taken back inside the library.
- Reference copies of books will not be available to students for lending. However, Photocopy (Xerox copies) of relevant pages can be done from the library photocopier.
- A maximum of three books can be borrowed for a period of fifteen days by 1st year and 2nd year B. Tech and MCA students from the Central Library. They are also eligible to obtain Book Bank Books for the whole semester up to fourth semester.
- Six books are given to other B. Tech students (3rd year and 4th year) and 3rd year MCA students for fifteen days. M. Tech students can borrow seven books for fifteen days. In addition, one magazine and one CD can be borrowed for three days by all students.
- Faculties can borrow seven books for six months and Technical Assistants five books for one month. A maximum of three books can be borrowed by the Administrative staff members of the Institute for one month
- Reference
- Reading
- Lending
- Photocopy — Books/Question Papers/Periodicals
- Access of E-Resources – E-Books/E-Journals/NPTEL
- Printing/Scanning
- OPAC (On-Line Public Access Catalogue)
- Newspaper Clipping Services
- Referral Services – British Council Library/American Centre Library
- User Assistance/Orientation Services
- Books for Competitive Examinations
Useful Links
SPRINGER LINKS – 452 (Full Text) : http://link.springer.com
- PEARSON E-BOOKS : http://lib.myilibrary.com
- WILEY IEEE PRESS – E-BOOKS : http://ieeexplore.ieee.org
- TMH & MGH – E-BOOKS : http://mcgrawhilleducation.pdn.ipublishcentral.com
DELNET : www.delnet.in
The Institution of Engineers (India) (Full-Text E-Journals) : www.ieindia.org
National Digital Library – http://ndl.iitkgp.ac.in
Swayam – http://swayam.gov.in
e-Pathshala – http://epgp.inflibnet.ac.in